As a user of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, your information security awareness and participation plays an important role in the campus information security.
Here are some highly recommended security practices for you.
Keep Your System Up to Date
Make sure to turn on automatic updates in Windows Update. Turn on automatic updates for non-Microsoft software as well, especially browsers, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and other apps you regularly use.
Enable the Windows Firewall
For the Windows users, please turn Windows firewall on in System and Security Center.
Use Antivirus Software and Keep it Current
Antivirus software is critical for every PC. Without it, you risk losing your personal information and files. If you run Windows 10 or Windows 8, you have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center already installed on your device. If you run Windows 7, you can download Microsoft Security Essentials for free.
Lock Your Computer Screen
Lock your computer when you're not at your desk to prevent others accessing yours and the University's information.
Beware of Phishing Emails
Sometimes, you may receive the emails from fake "CUHK-SHENZHEN" or "ITSO" to ask for your username and password or let you click on a link, these are often Phishing emails. ITSO will never ask you for such information via email, phone or as a private person, also no staffs will ask for your passwords. If you receive the emails asking for your account and personal information, do not disclose it and report the email to ITSO immediately. If you have replied to any phishing email, reset your password immediately and report the email to ITSO.
Take Care of Your Account and Password
You are responsible for keeping your CUHK-Shenzhen account and password. Never disclose your passwords to others.
Beware of Spam Emails
Email spam means unsolicited, undesired, or illegal email. Spam emails consume storage space and may attached malware. Although we have necessary procedures to prevent spam emails, there are also some actions you can take to cut down the amount of incoming spam. If you think the email you received is spam, for example, five emails with the same content, please forward the email to Never reply to any spam email, even if you are invited to do so.
Only Install Necessary Applications and Devices
To reduce the risk of attack, please only install the applications you need and remove the applications that you no longer use. Do not install any illegal software on your computer.